The Olympian Heroes, The Son of Neptune was written by Rick Riordan. Rick is also the author of The Percy Jackson series and The Kane Chronicles. The book is a fantasy adventure about Greek and Roman mythology. This is the second book of the series the first was The Lost Olympian. It continues after The Percy Jackson series.
Percy Jackson has woken up in the Wolf House, with amnesia. He trains with the Wolf Goddess Lupa. Percy makes his way to Camp Jupiter, the Roman’s version of camp Half-Blood. He begins a new adventure begins, with his new friend Frank Zhang and Hazel Levesque.
My opinion of this book is that it was great like all the other books I’ve read written by Rick. It was suspenseful and made me want to read more whenever I was about to put it down. I rate this book a five out of five and I can’t wait to ready the rest of the series, the next in the series is, The Olympian Heroes, The Mark of Athena.
Greeg Myers • Jan 30, 2013 at 11:50 am
It is The Heroes of Olympus not The Olypian Heroes, and the first book was The Lost Hero not The Lost Olympian.