Books have been the ideas for many movies throughout history. Out of the two I prefer books. People need to understand that when a movie is based of a book the images in the book are kind of ruined for the reader. I understand that now a day people don’t really like to read, they would rather go see a 2 hour movie instead of reading a book that could take them a few weeks.
Mrs. O had this to say when I asked her opinion. “Thinking of the Harry Potters Series I think that they could have been longer and they make changes that weren’t necessary.” She also said “They should remake the Harry Potter Series leaving like Jk Rowling’s work the way she wrote it.”
Logan Kingsley not a regular reader said this when I asked him. “I think that a lot of the times the movies ruin the books. They miss details and leave out some important parts. They also add parts together and just ruin it”
Giuliana Martone had this to say when asked. “Books have more details and movies leave out some. After I read The Hunger Games last year then went to see the movie, I thought they did well with the movie but it could have been better.”
Mrs. Decker said when I asked her. “I generally am frustrated by movie producers and directors’ interpretation of most movies. However, I can appreciate how the producer of a movie based on a book’s plot, often gives the book greater exposure and increases the chance of someone reading the book at least understanding allusions made to the plot. The movie of Mitch Albom’s Five People You Meet In Heaven was done well so either the movie crew had the same visualization or events that I experienced or Albom’s writing was so tight that every reader had the same experienced.”
Some upcoming movies that were based off books that are coming out within the next year are, The Host written by Stephenie Meyer, directed by Andrew Niccol; The Great Gatsby written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, directed by Baz Luhrmann; Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters written by Rick Riordan, directed by Thor Freudenthal; Ender’s Game written by Orson Scott Card, directed by Gavin Hood; Catching Fire written by Suzanne Collins, directed by Francis Lawrence.
With these movies coming out I suggest that before you go and see the movie just take your time and try the book first.
Gareth • Mar 26, 2013 at 9:19 am
Movies all the way C:
Mr. Healey • Mar 7, 2013 at 9:55 pm
Watching a movie after reading the book ruins the pictures in my brain! Books Rule!