BEST BOOK EVER: The Fault in Our Stars

For people who love to read, books are the world and a way to escape your life and travel to a new, possibly made up world, that only exists inside a cover and pages (unless it’s turned into a movie). The Fault in our Stars by John Green is by far my favorite book I have read despite the incredibly devastating story line. The story line is interesting as well as funny and has a way about it that makes you want to read every word and not stop. The book has detail enough that you understand what is going on and can clearly picture the scene but doesn’t sacrifice the mood by including too much detail, causing you to lose track of your connection to the plot and characters.
The main character and narrator of the book is Hazel. She has cancer and is forced to carry around an oxygen tank with her everywhere in order to breathe. Every day is a struggle for her but she always overcomes it and her Support Group helps. One day in her support group she meets a guy named Augustus Waters. They spend a lot of time together and develop a relationship that can make you laugh and make you fall in love with what is going on in their relationship.
Green’s writing style allows the reader to are experience things with the characters and feel their gains and losses as much as they do. The whole book is filled with ups and downs, making you wonder about what will happen next. Yes, the storyline is sad. Yes, it is incredibly depressing to read a book about children facing cancer. But it is truly a phenomenal book that is definitely worth your time (which for me was two days because I couldn’t put it down). I would recommend the book to everyone even if you don’t like reading because it is just an emotional, beautiful, inspiring book that everyone will love. Reading the book will be cathartic for you if you have emotions you have been stifling!
Read it before the movie is released on June 6th. Comment below if you have–what was your favorite quote in the book?
Haley is a junior who has been writing for the student newspaper since 7th grade. Over the couple years, she has accomplished a lot in the field of journalism....