The House of Night, Marked is a vampire-themed fantasy novel written by P.C. Cast and her daughter Kristin Cast. Marked is the first book in the series. The book was published by St. Martin’s Press. The setting of the series is a school called The House of Night, it is based on a real life campus of Cascia Hall in Tulsa In this novel vampires is written as vampyre.
In the Fictional world of House of Night humans and vampyres live alongside each other. Vampyres are made from humans but not in the normal way it’s through a process call being marked, a small percentage of teenagers worldwide are changed into Vampyres, when adolescent hormones trigger a stand of what’s called junk DNA, by the humans, the change to become a full fled Vampyre takes four years and during that time the newly made fledglings are to attend the school of The House of Night. A Tracker Vampyre will travel to find the once with the junk DNA, when it finds them a sapphire crescent moon outline forms on their forehead as they progress in school the mark will start to fill its self in. if a newly mark fledgling doesn’t get to the school after a while they will die from a sickness that is caused by the marking process.
The story starts out with sixteen-year-old Zoey Redbird at her school where she is “Marked” by a Tracker Vampyre. Her best friend abandons her and her ex. boyfriend is clueless that it’s over. Even Zoey’s Mother, sister and step-father, who belongs to an anti-vampyre group, does want to help her get to the school before her sickness progresses. The only one that even cares to help Zoey is her Grandmother because she knows the consequences and cares for Zoey.
Zoey’s new life will be filled with hard ships as she tries to find her place at her new home. This book was good it keep me wanting to read more because of the humor and of how it shows the qualities of an average teenage life but with the twist of them being vampyres. The next in this series is A House of Night Betrayed; I am planning to read it soon after I finish up other series I have started. This book as for rating is a 4 out of 5.