There are four people running for two available seats on the Galway Central Board of Education. Karenna Martin, Editor of The Footprint and EMC3, and Joe English, Editor of Scores Up and EMC3, compiled a list of questions for the candidates. The questions were emailed, and the answers we received are here in the candidates’ own words.

Jerri Ernst
Why are you running for the BOE?
My educational background and experience, personal experiences, knowledge of the field of education and NYS expectations, love of learning and teaching, and professionalism will enable me to work collaboratively with the other board members to set educational goals and establish policy for Galway CSD based upon NYS laws and our community values. Another reason that I want to be a member of the school board is to make sure the school is managed in accordance with the school board’s policies. Finally, I have a vested interest in the quality of education at Galway CSD.
How are you planning on making Galway appealing to families moving into the area?
Word of mouth, text, tweet, social network, networking, and good press (paper and television) about the great things happening in our school and community will encourage families to move to our area.
Are you planning to improve the communication between the BOE and the student body? If so, in what specific ways?
I would use a Blackboard account for communication between the students and BOE. Also, I would encourage students to not only present their ideas to the board, but encourage the board work with the students, administration, faculty and staff to explore the options.
If elected, what specific goals do you hope to achieve during your term (elementary and high school)?
During my term I hope the following goals are achieved: improve student achievement; promote a safe and nurturing environment; provide strong leadership for efficient and effective operations; strengthen collaboration with all stakeholders; and increase student, parent and community satisfaction.
If our school district found more money in the budget than anticipated, would you use the additional funds to reinstate programs and teacher that have been cut this year, or would you use it to offset taxes for next year? Why?
I would vote to use part of the money to reinstate certain positions this year and to use part of it to offset taxes next year. I would make this choice because there are certain courses that I believe are essential to high school students for vocational school and college, and secondly money is tight.
If the budget situation is similar next year, what programs would be most important for you to save?
First, I would like to look at our school budget itemized by program cost and not as a line item budget. I would like programs to be evaluated for alignment with NYS standards, effectiveness, enrollment, and outcomes. It is important to save programs that are aligned with NYS standards, meet graduation requirements, and promote higher education and job opportunities in a variey of fields. I would also look for ways that the school can be more cost efficient to save money and programs.

Nancy Lisicki
Why are you running for the BOE?
In a nutshell…it was the right time. I sat at every Board of Education meeting week after week, month after month, year after year. I listened, I asked questions, I researched answers. I finally realized that my time, knowledge, and energy would be better utilized sitting at the board member table than in the audience.
As an educator and an advocate for children, I believe that I can offer the Galway community a unique perspective that will help our Board of Education work more effectively. As a parent of an 8th grade Galway student, I am committed to her success and to the success of EVERY child in Galway.
How are you planning on making Galway appealing to families moving into the area?
Realtors and people researching where they will purchase a home are looking for schools with solid scores on New York State Assessments (ELA and Math test, Regents exams, etc.), as well as schools that offer a variety of electives which will produce a well rounded graduate. Additionally, they are looking at SAT scores, the amount of money a district spends per pupil, and the history of tax increases.
As a school board member, I would stress the need to focus on academic performance and producing a well-rounded student. Our school district will appeal to prospective homeowners if it can demonstrate that property owners are getting a good return on their tax payer investment.
Are you planning to improve the communication between the BOE and the student body? If so, in what specific ways?
I fully support having a student representative serve as a non-voting member of the Board of Education. It will bring a previously muted voice to the discussions.
Additionally, I have just recently suggested to a member of the Student Senate that they begin discussions with the PTSA regarding the Meet the Candidates night. In two other districts with whom I am familiar, the Student Senate/Student Council moderates the Meet the Candidates night.
Finally, I would encourage the student body to empower itself. This requires no formal action by an adult board member. Students have access to the same methods of communication that adults do–making phone calls to board members, emailing the board on the “We’re Listening” page, and attending board meetings. It can be intimidating, I know…but remember, you have a voice 1,000 students strong. Empower yourselves!!!!!!
If elected, what specific goals do you hope to achieve during your term (elementary and high school)?
My first priority is to send the message that the attention of the entire school community (teachers, administrators, and support staff) should be focused on improving academic achievement. I want all of you to be well prepared for the opportunities that lie ahead of you.
Education is a cumulative process. Therefore, this message for a new vision, a new focus, cannot be compartmentalized to just the elementary or high school. It should be the focus for all.
A second goal would be to further investigate reinstating Junior Varsity sports. Currently, though, there is not currently sufficient information on how many other schools will also have JV teams against which we could play.
If our school district found more money in the budget than anticipated, would you use the additional funds to reinstate programs and teacher that have been cut this year, or would you use it to offset taxes for next year? Why?
Easy–reinstate programs and teachers. The “business” of a school is to educate students and produce well rounded individuals who have the skills to pursue whichever path they choose after graduation. A strong educational program, supported by dedicated teachers is the best method to achieve that “product.”
I would provide a caveat, though. The enrollment at Galway Central has decreased by 85 students over the past four years. That’s equivalent to an entire grade level of students. There MIGHT be some positions or portions of positions that simply aren’t needed any longer.
If the budget situation is similar next year, what programs would be most important for you to save?
The answer to this question would require feedback from the community–students, parents, teachers, and residents without children in the school. I would be remiss in my duties as an elected representative if I only acted on my own personal interests.
Thomas Rumsey
Why are you running for the BOE?
I have two children who attend Galway with a third starting in a year. I firmly believe that the best way to prepare my children to have the life they want is with a great education. When the budget cuts were announced, I was very concerned that the areas selected to be cut or reduced were directly tied to achievement programs and areas of safety. I have experience in the business and military where we had to face budget uncertainty while continuing to meet our core responsibilities. I decided to run for the BOE to offer my help and experience as I feel the last places to cut are teachers, achievement programs and areas of safety.
How are you planning on making Galway appealing to families moving into the area?
I moved to the area 3 years ago and one of the primary reasons we chose this area was the school, both in terms of quality and size. The school has and must continue to be a strong attraction for those moving to the area. The only way to ensure this continues is to focus all our resources to the classroom and the students.
Are you planning to improve the communication between the BOE and the student body? If so, in what specific ways?
Being relatively new, I’d have to first understand the source of the clear frustration the students have in terms of communication. I believe I’m the only candidate that doesn’t believe it’s appropriate for a student to be a member of the BOE, but that seems more symbolic than an effective solution. There are specific things that can be done immediately to improve the dialog. I’d first meet with the student council members to get an understanding of their key issues, Then, I think those issues as well as emerging issues should be a standing part of the BOE meeting agenda’s, at least during the school year. The student council president should have a block of time on each BOE meeting to discuss areas of concern. We could also have a joint BOE and student council meeting at the beginning of each year to align priorities.
If elected, what specific goals do you hope to achieve during your term (elementary and high school)?
Get the teachers back in the classroom, reinstate the achievement programs and develop a longer term budget process so we can better anticipate budget cycles.
If our school district found more money in the budget than anticipated, would you use the additional funds to reinstate programs and teacher that have been cut this year, or would you use it to offset taxes for next year? Why?
I would not use it to offset taxes, I would get the programs and teachers back in the school. I think the best way to offset taxes is to attract more people to the area. Of primary importance to most parents is the education of their children. If we have a great school, more people will relocate here and help share the tax burden.
If the budget situation is similar next year, what programs would be most important for you to save?
I don’t accept the idea we have to cut programs. I think there are other places that we can look to get both short and long term budget relief without firing teachers or cutting programs. These can and should include all options available, not just cutting non-mandatory education programs.
Dennis Schaperjahn
Why are you running for the BOE?
I am running for the B.O.E. because I believe that education is one of the most important experiences that a child and young adult need to become part of society. Experience and knowledge is the key to becoming an informed citizen.
How are you planning on making Galway appealing to families moving into the area?
Galway CSD is the hub of our town and village. When people think about moving to Galway, one of the first questions you hear is, “How good are the schools?” We must maintain our schools in a manner that let our students compete locally and globally.
Are you planning to improve the communication between the BOE and the student body? If so, in what specific ways?
Communication between the B.O.E. and the student body is essential. There has been a process called Shared Decision Making since 1991. When it first started, it was used often. The shared decision making teams meet monthly and all are invited. Check with your building principal, they can give you details.
If elected, what specific goals do you hope to achieve during your term (elementary and high school)?
I have specific goals that I would like to achieve if I’m elected.
1) A long term financial stability program
2) Reduce paper output
3) Green strategies
4) Supply bidding
5) Cooperative procurements
6) Idea box for community members (saving money)
7) True four day week
These are just a few of my ideas. I know the community and Galway’s staff have many more that we could discuss.
If our school district found more money in the budget than anticipated, would you use the additional funds to reinstate programs and teacher that have been cut this year, or would you use it to offset taxes for next year? Why?
I would use any district found money to reinstate programs and teachers that have been cut. I would do this because there are certain elements that are needed to have an excellent school. Teachers and programs are a major part of the school experience.
If the budget situation is similar next year, what programs would be most important for you to save?
I am not in favor of cutting essential programs. There are many ways to save money without disrupting a student’s education.
I believe that any real solutions to Galway’s financial problems can only be solved with local solutions.
~~EMC3 would like to thank the candidates for their prompt response to our request. If you would like to read the candidates’ bios, go to this link on the Galway web page
Get out and vote!