By Kelly Phillips
GALWAY—Galway High School was visited by Tatiana Zarnowski, a reporter for the Gazette, on January 17th. The reporter was here to speak with Mr. Swain, Joe English, and Hannah Smith about the newest Village Press venture: a coffee table book featuring Galway. The interview lasted nearly an hour, and the interview will appear in the Schenectady Gazette tomorrow, January 19th.
Mr. Swain started the interview with an introduction of the Village Press, EMC3, Poppin’ Kernels, Mocha Mondays, and the E-Way Store. Joe and Hannah took it from there talking about their internship experience and upcoming projects. The topic of past books was also brought up, The Life Between Two Cities–a small book packed with student-written stories–and Lorenzo el Loro and His Flying Adventure–the book written by Spanish 5 last year. Zarnowski seemed interested in these books and the others that will be published in the future.
When asked “Would you say this is one of the biggest projects done here?” Joe and Mr. Swain answered with a resounding yes. They both agreed this coffee table book is the biggest project to take place in years, even bigger than the last two books. The idea for a coffee table book came from the journalism conference last year that EMC3 members attended at Columbia University. The theme of the book is “What does it mean to be part of the Galway community?” Mr. Swain mentioned this book would be impossible to print and publish without the grant from Saratoga Program for Arts Funding (SPAF). The $2500 of grant money will be put toward printing costs. Although the price of the book itself is unknown at this time, it will be announced in the coming months.
If you have not heard about the coffee table book make sure to take a look at Joe’s article for more information about submitting artwork, poetry, or photos. If you have any ideas for a title of the coffee table book, the Village Press is still looking for suggestions. Leave a comment or email [email protected] with your ideas! Email the Village Press with any of your poetry, art work, and photography submission today!
Ms. Pepe • Jan 25, 2012 at 12:26 pm
I was visiting family in Glenville last weekend and they made a point of mentioning that they had read the article in the paper and were impressed with your efforts! It certainly made me proud to be a part the Galway community. Your great work does not go unnoticed!
(A news article written about a news article being written is like a dream within a dream… sorry, I just watched Inception for the first time!!)
Mr. Marc • Jan 20, 2012 at 12:42 pm
Cosmo Kramer had the best idea for a coffee table book. “It’s a coffee table book about coffee tables” and it has legs that fold down so the coffee table book is actually a coffee table! Outstanding! Lets do it! Mr. B can buy the first one.
Mr. Swain • Jan 19, 2012 at 1:25 pm
Great idea Mr. B. I will talk to Mr. Marc. about having his classes sell a coffee table that matches the book. Maybe we could offer a discount if you purchased both!
Mr. B. • Jan 19, 2012 at 11:37 am
I need to purchase a coffee TABLE for my home so that I can proudly place this new book in the center!
Mrs. O • Jan 19, 2012 at 9:46 am
I can’t wait to see the finished product! Galway students always go above and beyond! Nice job on the article Kelly, and the photos came out great! Congratulations Mr. Swain and interns on this great publicity for the project!
Mrs. English • Jan 18, 2012 at 1:27 pm
It’s so exciting to have the Galway business department featured in the newspaper! Mr. Swain and the interns are doing creative things that reflect very well on our school. Keep up the good work and contribute to the Galway coffee table book. What a great way to capture the spirit of our community and have a snapshot of this time in your lives.