People will tell you that junior year is the worst year of your life; they will tell you that the stress level is extremely high and that you will have a ton of work to do. You won’t want to believe them, but it is true.
Junior year is a time for you to start to contemplate your future and make choices. You have to figure out what path you want to take and what steps that you need in order to achieve your goals. Stress will be a huge part of your year. Your head will spin from the multitude of assignments you are given, the SAT’s are just around the corner and all the other various drama that a teenager must deal with, such as prom.
Even through all of this stress and terrible amount of school work, there will be good times; times when you will feel completely relaxed and at peace with the world around you. Junior year is the perfect time to see who your true friends are. The people who will always have your back no matter what you are going through. It shows how people react to the obstacles they are given and whether or not they will become a better person because of it.
If you cry, it is okay. “Crying doesn’t mean you are weak, it means you have been strong for too long” and sometimes in order to get through the problems of life you must feel your emotions. Remember you always have someone who will be there for you. Friends who make you feel better, and teachers, such as Mrs. O, who will listen to any problem you have.
You will get through junior year though. Just do your work to the best of your ability, enjoy the fun times when they occur and stay positive. There will be something better around the corner. I promise you even if you are taking Honors English, Pre-Calc and AP U.S. History, you will make it through this completely insane year.
Hannah • Jun 10, 2012 at 7:02 pm
Just surround yourself with supportive people, stock your house with an adequate supply of caffeine, and you will be fine 🙂