1) “Tiny Little Bows”- This song is cute, very bubbly and upbeat, has somewhat of an annoying club beat, but it seems that every pop song seems to these days. The vocals are very well put together, with a catchy chorus. Good intro to the album
2) “This Kiss”- The beginning was a little strong, but it calms down a little with Carly’s powerful voice, which gives me a feeling this is going to be a good album. While it’s a typical pop topic, “this kiss”, the instrumentals and her voice bring something new to the topic.
3) “Call Me Maybe”- Ah yes, the smash song of the year. Like it or hate it, it’s very well put together, no matter who you are, it got stuck in your head. The vocals are very organic; there doesn’t seem to be a lot of additional effects. I’ll admit that I know all the words, and I enjoy this song.
4) “Curiosity”- This is reminiscent of a early 2000’s Brittany Spears, combined with an acoustic guitar, the violins that seem to be a theme of this album, and the drum build up that is typical of a pop song. It’s a good mix, and blends well. Carly Rae hasn’t lost my attention yet!
5) “More Than A Memory”- These songs seem like if they were performed in a coffee shop with just an acoustic guitar and a mic, they’d sound pretty good. This could definitely be the next single of this album, holding its own against any Katy Perry or Rihanna song. A nice little story about heart break, could have thousands of teenage girls (and boys, though probably not as loud) screaming the words to it.
6) “Turn Me Up””- this song has a steady rise to its full volume, a giving up on my relationship kind of song. One of the more average songs of the album, but still stands out because of Carly’s voice, which is very distinct.
7) “Hurt So Good- This seems to be another weak part of the album, pretty forgettable compared to the other songs. More simple instrumental, more for dancing it seems. Not terrible, but not the best it could be.
8) “Tonight I’m Getting Over You”-This song is very heart felt, and you can hear the un forced emotions in Carly’s voice.
9) “Guitar Sting Wedding Ring”- You may be a little weary about the corny title, but you’ll probably end up bobbing your head along. It’s quite catchy, and bubbly. Fits the profile of the album.
10) “Your Heart is a Muscle”-This song is a little corny, with a pretty guessable theme, but didn’t completely kill my ear drums. More time and effort could have been put into this song.
11) “Drive”-Another bubbly song, the album seemed to get weaker at the end instead of stronger like I was hoping.
12) “Wrong Feels So Right”-This song gave this album the comeback I was looking for. A very strong song, with the vocals and instrumentals flowing together GREAT. Pretty peppy in a lot of senses, which isn’t in any way bad.
13)”Sweetie”-obviously a love song. Obviously a story about how they met. But even though it’s been done, Carly does it well, better than some of the classics. A great mix of her vocals and string orchestra in instrumental.
14) “I Know You Have A Girlfriend”- This song is probably going to be the anthem for girls everywhere who get mistreated. While catchy, still very true and her words could cut if they were given the pleasure. It’s a very entertaining song, listening to her go at someone who only she knows who it is. Very good ending to the album!
Nicole • Oct 10, 2012 at 1:18 pm
I have to buy this now. Why do all pop songs seem to be about love though? It gets kind of annoynig sometimes.
Ashley • Oct 10, 2012 at 1:15 pm
Very good review, I can tell that you put a lot of thought behind it. Great work!
2spooky • Oct 10, 2012 at 1:15 pm
Im very surprised that these songs have such good ratings! maybe i’ll check it out sometime. Thank you for the enlightenment Nate-o
Matt Metzger • Oct 10, 2012 at 1:12 pm
This was a great synopsis of the album “The Kiss” by Carly Rae Jepsen. Nathan Hammond did an awesome job reviewing every song in the album. I’m not a fan of Carly Rae Jepson’s work but I did like learning what the songs were in this album. Nathan really entertained me with his article and I enjoyed reading the article.
Elena C • Oct 10, 2012 at 1:12 pm
I love this review! I have already listened to Tiny Little Bows, This Kiss, and Tonight I’m Getting Over You. I love her album so far and can’t wait to hear more!