If you missed the debate on October 16th, then I will glad fill you in. Since Obama was criticized for his performance in the debate before this one, you can correctly assume that he brought his A game. Obama made his answers relevant to the people who were asking the question which was a smart move on his part because the better you relate to the people, the more votes from the common folk you will get. Romney tried his best but Obama excelled at relating to the masses.
A routine thing that happened that was infuriating was how the two candidates argued back and forth about who was telling the truth. This should never happen because the two people who are our choices for the next person to lead our country should not have to tell lies to get the job and then expect us to trust them with our economy and over all welfare.
That set aside, Obama went into more detail about what his plan(s) were and tried to go back to questions to add even more depth on them which was a good move on his part. Romney was different in this way. He was very vague in his answers, and he pointed out that he had plans but he didn’t go into it very much if at all. However he did speak about how he has experience running a big business and helping the economy of Maine, which I believe gives him a slight edge in experience only because a business and a state however big is not as big as a whole country (it is an edge regardless though). Obama pointed out that he has been improving things but things are slow due to the problems given to him from the past administration, which he has been dealing with as well as the problems we are facing now. Obama pointed out the things he has done and Romney highlighted the things President Obama had promised but did not do and in some cases gotten worse rather than better.
Romney then took the opportunity to talk about how he wanted to deal with the economy by keeping taxes down on businesses so they have the money to hire more people. But if you really think about it if you had a manufacturing company which required a very small human work force and the rest were machines, wouldn’t you just buy more machines to increase your profits? Yes, some jobs would be made but more often than not, a robot with a small electric bill would win against a worker than can make errors and mandates greater financial responsibility, meaning the business has to pay a required minimum wage rate and in some cases meet union expectations. Obama’s plan for the economy however is to give more tax cuts to small businesses which he pointed out that he has already done in some areas and he wants to offer more tax cuts to the middle class to help them rebuild. Also he would like to the upper class to chip in more by raising their taxes, and Obama pointed out that he wanted to have tax cuts for veterans which is sure to get him votes in that category. Romney talked about how he would get tough on China. Obama immediately talked about how Romney is connected to many companies that outsource many jobs to China so he doubts that he would be the person to get tough on China. Obama then went on to talk about how Romney is bashing the same healthcare that he himself used in Maine which was a key blow. Romney immediately went on attack about the consulate attack and why Obama wasn’t sure about what happened and how it seemed he didn’t care. Obama crushed Romney by talking about how personal it was for him, which made Romney seem extremely insensitive which may have cost him some votes.
All in all the candidates argued a lot about who was telling the truth and obviously about who would be a better president. In the end I believe that Obama’s presence and content in the debate was more favorable than Romney’s.
You can check out the next debate on Monday, October22nd at 9:00. Expect to hear about foreign policy.
Justin Bieber • Nov 14, 2012 at 2:14 pm
Wow, Mitt Romney did an awesome job!!! Too bad he didnt win :,( I think the person that represented Mitt Romney was pretty cool. I’d like to meet her someday. -JBiebes
Matthew Metzger • Oct 22, 2012 at 2:18 pm
This was a very well written article. There was a lot of detail and examples used to support ideas. Overall, job well done!
Mrs. O • Oct 22, 2012 at 12:37 pm
I hope that you will write another article about the debate tonight. It’s very interesting to hear a student’s point of view on the issues and the candidates.