Galway Friends of Music and the Galway Central School Music Department
invites you to attend the annual
Friday, November 9, at 7 p.m. in the HS gym.
Entertainment includes performances by GCS students, an Alumni Jazz Quintet and the Saratoga Soundtrack Chorus.
Tickets are $7 for adults, $3 for students and will be available at the door.
I have always loved music. Music surrounds us in the car, at home, and in public spaces.
It can describe the emotions you feel inside. There are sad, happy and angry songs. I strongly believe listening to music reminds us we are not alone because the lyrics, beat and composition suggest others have felt the way we are feeling in a given moment. Listening to music is a healthy way to reflect and relax.
Music even has the power to enhance your intelligence. It helps with reading and literacy skills, spatial-temporal reasoning, concentration, attention, and emotional intelligence. It can be helpful when you are working and when you sleep. Listening to music while you work helps to improve yourproductivity. Having slow, classical music playing while you are trying to sleep or are sleeping reduces stress.
Check back later for Nate Hammond’s impressions on the impact music has on us. Also, those of you who play an instrument (and may be performing this Friday night), post a comment on what music means to you.
Eva • Nov 14, 2012 at 2:17 pm
I loved how Galway alumni was allowed to play at Coffee House. This year, my cousin’s fiance was able to play, and was very happy to come back and perform for his hometown.
Breanna F • Nov 8, 2012 at 6:04 pm
i went to the coffee house last year and i thought it was pretty good. i love listening to music as way as Elena. i hope this years coffee house will be as good as last years
Mrs. O • Nov 8, 2012 at 2:33 pm
I went to the Coffee House last year and loved it! The amount of musical talent in Galway is truly extraordinary. It was pretty cool seeing students from elementary up to high school all performing in one special event. And the free food was delicious!
Steven MacDonald • Nov 7, 2012 at 4:30 pm
awsome sammy is the best
Ashley K. • Nov 6, 2012 at 3:04 pm
Sam is looking quite nice in his attire. Elena, I definitely agree about music being a way to reflect and relax. Great Job on the article 🙂