GLENS FALLS–It’s common knowledge that Galway has one of the best music programs in the area, thanks to their consistent representation in local music festivals and competitions. This year is no exception.
On October 18th Connor Alvord, Sam Flinton, Hannah Smith, Sarah Kopa, Grace Milton, Eric Matthews, Justin Matthews and Rachel Reichard traveled to Glens Falls High School to participate in the Saratoga–Warren County All-County Band Festival. To get accepted into All-County the student has to fit the criteria. First, the student must participate in the NYSSMA (New York State Student Music Association) festival. Then, based on their scores their band director has to ask the student if they’re willing and free to participate in the festival. Once the student hands in their form, the band director must write a recommendation and the application must go through a panel of directors to choose who should be selected and who shouldn’t. A few weeks later accepted students receive their music. Connor Alvord, Sam Flinton, Hannah Smith, Sarah Kopa and Grace Milton were all in the 10-12 Band directed by Scott Severance, while Eric and Justin Matthews were in the 6-7 band directed by Jeremy Bouteiller and Rachel Reichard was in the 8-9 band directed by Connie Freebern.
Usually All- County practices are held on Fridays and the actual concert date is held during the spring instead of the fall. They decided to switch it up this year so more students accepted into All-County are free to participate. Also, they decided on a Thursday rehearsal so students could take all of the knowledge that they learned on Thursday and use it to practice with on Friday. On the first day students arrive at the school around 3:30 and warm up until 4, when the rehearsal started. From 4 to 7PM the students have a non-stop rehearsal with hundreds of kids and a director they don’t know. The second day is the concert day. However, the students have to arrive at the school at 9 am to start another 3 hour rehearsal. Then they break for lunch, change and participate in their dress rehearsal. Then at 3 pm the doors close to the theater and the concert begins.
This year’s All-County was a great success and the Galway students should be proud of their accomplishments and hard work.