Just turn it off!
Remember when you were a little kid on the bus, sitting and chatting with your best friend who sat next to you? Well those days are now over. Being an 11th grader and still having to ride the bus, I’ve witnessed many an interesting thing. One of these things is walking down the aisle in the morning and seeing little 2nd graders hunched over smart phones, playing games in which robots are fighting to the death. They’re not even having a conversation.
Now that technology has become such a big part in everyday life, everybody is affected, even little kids. The question I find myself asking is: is it necessary for a little kid to have a cell phone at this time in their lives? Having a phone at such a young age can hinder communication ability. When you’re sitting with a friend and you’re attached to your cell phone because you’re so immersed in your game; that’s a problem. It seems that examples of this are everywhere. Just go to any public place like a mall and look around. People young and old can’t even walk straight because their eyes are glued to the little piece of technology in their hand. Whatever happened to people amusing themselves by having nice, friendly conversations?
I believe that parents today give their children these different types of technology to entertain them. Kids don’t want to go outside anymore because they have all they need in their phones and computers, hence the reason for childhood obesity. If a kid is not forced to go outside and exert their energy it is more than likely that they’ll stay inside and eat. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, childhood obesity has tripled in adolescents in the last thirty years.
Not only is technology taking over the lives of children, but also of teenagers. Just ask a teen what they do when they get home from school and many would answer that they turn on their computer and log into all of their social media websites: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and more. Teens are also more prone to text way more than other people. It’s almost impossible for some to pick up the telephone to call and actually talk to another human being. Who does that anymore? Personally I know when I have to call someone on the phone I get all nervous and have a mini heart attack, and I’m not alone with my feelings.
So some words of advice; put down the cell phone, log out of all your social media websites and go have a conversation with someone about anything. Go outside! When you have kids, don’t give them a cell phone at the tender age of five because they’re missing out on some great communication skills that they can gain when they’re younger. Technology is not a bad thing in any means, but it’s time people stop relying on it.
karen • Dec 9, 2013 at 1:12 pm
Nice job, Metzger! I can relate to the sentiments you express. I love the ease of texting and navigating the web from my phone but feel incomplete if I don’t get outside each day. I didn’t realize how much I loved the outdoors until I started running my dog in the dimity of the a.m. a couple years back. And now I have ducks too that require me to be outside to care for. It takes discipline to be out there frequently but it’s also enriching. I send texts to people some evenings to tell them to get outside and see the stars or moon!