Students at Galway High School were filled with excitement as they walked outside with their friends towards Eagles Landing during their lunches on Monday. It was the opening day of this new outdoor hangout on the Galway High campus.
Located on the old modified soccer field by the old bus garage, the new area isn’t finished yet, but when it is, it will be a community area for all of Galway. This area will include a beach volleyball court, two bocce ball pits, a wall ball area, a mini soccer field and many new benches and picnic tables. The basketball court was also resurfaced and students can play basketball during lunch and after school.
Students are asked that during lunches they do not bring their things outside with them and to go out when the aides give them permission. Mrs. Donovan put a lot of time and effort into creating this new space for Galway students and the entire Galway community, so students are also asked to treat the space with respect and to enjoy it thoroughly. Be sure to thank Mrs. Donovan for her efforts when you see her and enjoy Eagle Landing!