Fast Facts
Meet Mrs. Harmon
#1–She is ONE of the new reading teachers in the junior high.
#2–She has had TWO teaching careers. She taught music for 8 years. She has been teaching reading for 8 years.
#3–She has taught in THREE different states–North Carolina, West Virginia and now New York. She has also led THREE different church choirs over the past 20 years.
#4–She has four kids–three sons (9, 13 and 20) and one daughter (12).
#5–High FIVE TO her for sharing FIVE other interesting facts about herself! She thinks peppermints help people concentrate better. Her favorite candy is a Charleston Chew. Her favorite movie is The American President. She has traveled as a missionary. She and Mrs. Redick, the new 8th grade English teacher, can commute together because they live in the same distant town.
Garrett is a kid in 7th grade who loves to eat chicken wings. His favorite color is blue. Garrett has been doing EMC since september of 2014. When Garrett...