Most Creative Halloween Costumes of 2014

Are you sick of being the same old thing for Halloween? A witch? A zombie? A superhero? Well here’s a list of 2014’s ten most creative costumes to get you out of that boring routine and get you into the real Halloween spirit!
1. Candy Crush
If you’ve played the hit game, Candy Crush you know how on point this costume is. It’s fun and simple and nobody will ask “What are you supposed to be?” And who else is going to dress up like Candy Crush?
2. Energizer Bunny
Do you remember those commercials about the bunny with the drum? A battery company’s mascot? What’s more creative than that?! And look how cute she is!
3. The Wild Things
Let’s throw it back to your favorite childhood book this Halloween with a group costume of the Wild Things from Where the Wild Things Are. All it takes is some paper mache and some creativity and you’ve got a fun costume that everybody will adore.
4. Flying Genie
Who doesn’t love those costumes with the fake legs? You’ll look pretty awesome floating around and granting wishes this Halloween in your average genie costume with a twist. Turn it into a flying genie costume with a carpet and some black cloth
5. The Toaster Strudel Kid
This was Mr. Mulroy’s idea……
6. Lego Minifig
Legos never get old! So just take a couple of boxes, some foam, and some take and make yourself into a real live lego this Halloween!
7. Mad Max
If you’ve seen any of the Mad Max movies, then you noticed the accuracy of this costume. If done right, you’ll be far from ordinary this year and definitely break out of the old Halloween routine.
8. Rubik’s Cube
How simple can you get? All you need is a box, some tape, and some paint and you’ll have yourself a Rubik’s cube.
9. The Na’vi
If haven’t seen the movie Avatar from 2009, the Na’vi are a group of blue natives on another planet discovered by humanity in the future. All it takes is some face painting skills and a lot of creativity and you’ll be flying an ikran trick or treating this Halloween.
10. Ace Ventura Pet Detective
Just flip your hair out and find your dad’s old bermuda shirt and you’re ready to be the crime fighting Ace Ventura Pet Detective from the 1994 movie starring Jim Carrey. It’s funny and creative and everyone w
Kaitee Horstmann is a Senior. She played on the Varsity Girls Soccer team this year and has done Galway High Drama throughout her entire high school career....
sam • Oct 28, 2014 at 1:58 pm
i think the bunny ones a good idea