Black Friday on Thanksgiving?!
This year stores are opening as early as 5:00 pm on Thanksgiving day to kick off Black Friday. Personally, I think this is stupid. I, and a lot of other people in Galway agree that Thanksgiving is a time to spend with your family and be grateful for what you have. The stores opening on Thanksgiving will include: Walmart, Kmart, Sears, Macy’s, J.C. Penny, Target, Kohl’s, Best Buy, Staples, Sports Authority, Toys R Us, Big Lots, RadioShack, OfficeMax and Office Depot. These are all well-known stores, and unfortunately, I am sure people will leave their families on Thanksgiving. Most people depend on Black Friday to get the majority of their Christmas shopping done.
Thanksgiving is a day to spend with your family. Brittany Orminski made this very clear. She, along with her sister Emily, go to their grandparents house every year for Thanksgiving and have since they were born. Even though they enjoy spending time with family they also like going Black Friday shopping. Brittany feels like she is missing out on Black Friday opportunities because “everything is sold out on the actual Friday.” Emily said “Well, it’s not called ‘Black Thursday’.”
Mr. Mulroy feels that this change is ‘“ridiculous” and I am sure many people have used the same word to express their feelings on this change to an old tradition. Mulroy said, “I like going at 5:00 in the morning and I won’t go on Thanksgiving.”
Many people that believe the same thing; that they will miss out on some deals that stores have to offer. On the contrary, these stores may get less business because of all of the protesting that is occurring.
Renee Rossi said, “Leaving your family to go stand in a line at Walmart on Thanksgiving is just not right.”
Thanksgiving is one of those few days a year where you are forced to have family time and Black Friday is one of those days designated to shopping. The two should NOT mix. Rossi sums this all up by saying “Black Friday starts at midnight when it is not Thanksgiving anymore.”
Where do you stand on this controversy? Will you be on line at a store on Thanksgiving or comfortable on a couch, surrounded by your family? Leave a comment below!
Haley is a junior who has been writing for the student newspaper since 7th grade. Over the couple years, she has accomplished a lot in the field of journalism....
Rachel Reichard • Nov 28, 2014 at 5:10 pm
Good thought Britt. It just keeps creeping farther ahead and before you know it we’ll have Black Wednesday Shopping
Greg Myers • Nov 25, 2014 at 8:21 am
If I had the money and transportation I would go shopping on Thanksgiving.
Britt Keller • Nov 20, 2014 at 8:00 pm
I agree 100%, the whole thing is ridiculous. The Thanksgiving holiday is to be with family and celebrate what we have, not to go out shopping to get the latest deals. It’s also a shame for the people who have to work at those stores. I’m sure the majority of them want to spend the holiday with their families but instead are forced to work. It’s a shame. Black Friday is Black Friday for a reason, and should not be bumped up to Thanksgiving. End of story.