If you are unfamiliar with the recent viral hashtag, #BodyPositivity is a tag on social media sites such as Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, etc. that is used to spread positivity about they way we view our bodies.
This recent hashtag has been a worldwide campaign directed towards people of every race, gender, age, and especially body type. The tag is a movement for people to start accepting the skin they were born with, which is really a beautiful thing.
The truth is everyone has things about their body that they don’t particularly love whether it be their nose, hips, legs, arms or anything else. We pick apart and dissect every flaw we see in ourselves, even other people. We are our worst critics.
For example you may hate the birthmark you have, say right below your ear. But do you honestly think that every time someone meets you for the first thing they think ‘Oh my god, what is that thing right below her ear? That’s absolutely horrible! She is less of a human being now since I have discovered that mark on her! How ugly!’? No! Obviously no one thinks about that. Realistically when they meet you they may think in their head, ‘oh my, her eyes are the most beautiful brown shade with flecks of gold. I feel like I’m watching the sunset just looking at them’ or ‘Wow, she has such a great smile, I wish I had a smile as captivating.’
Everyone has insecurities but we shouldn’t let our insecurities determine our self worth. We can’t all look like the girl on the magazine cover because honestly, that girl doesn’t even exist thanks to PhotoShop. Not all men can look like Ryan Gosling because there is only one Ryan Gosling on this Earth. Instead of sitting in a bed of depression over how much you hate your freckles or your peach fuzz, be proud of the body you were given and learn to accept yourself because every human was made different because that is what makes us unique.
Now, you may think that this hashtag is solely on the actual shape of our bodies. Curvy girls coming to terms that their body is just as beautiful as a skinny girl’s body. Yes, this hashtag has a lot to do with that, but it’s not just about body shape. It’s about everything about our bodies and how we should accept our flaws and love them because they are our flaws and that’s what makes us unique!
Newsflash! Everyone has stretch marks! *crowd scream* I promise you, everyone has stretch marks. If people tell you they don’t have stretch marks, chances are they are lying to you which is absolutely outrageous, or in the next 20 years they will have them. When our bodies grow from getting taller, filling out our bodies, gaining fat, and gaining muscle our skin has to stretch in order for us to grow, hence stretch marks. That’s right guys, when you are hitting the gym and weightlifting to build up your arms, you can expect stretch marks and that’s 100% okay! Stretch marks are beautiful! If you ever get the chance, look at your stretch marks up close and just look at the intricate webbing in the skin, it’s like your own tattoo without the needles!
Acne. You have it, I have it, Obama has it, Beyonce has it. Acne is so normal I’m still confused as to why people freak out if someone has acne. Yes, acne isn’t exactly desirable but that doesn’t mean we should shame people who have it. Also, saying it’s unhygienic when people have acne implying that it’s their fault is so absurd. Acne is 98% of the time hormonal which means it’s not your fault if you have acne! It’s called puberty people, read a book! Everyone has acne and eventually it’ll ease down, but even middle aged people get acne.
Cellulite seems to be an iffy topic, which I really don’t understand since it’s so normal for people to have cellulite. Having cellulite doesn’t mean you are overweight or fat, even thin people have cellulite. Yes, cellulite has some to do with the fat on your body but guess what…everyone has fat! *gasps* So since everyone has fat, everyone has the possibility to have cellulite. Just being dehydrated can give you cellulite. Cellulite just happens depending on the thickness on your skin (not fat, but actual skin) So people can stop thinking that anyone with cellulite on the back of their legs if ‘fat’ or ‘overweight.’
We all have things about our bodies that we aren’t happy with. I’ve struggled with body positivity all my life and I’m still working to accept myself. I am very critical over my body. I don’t like my freckles or how pale I am or the gap between my teeth or my height but guess what, some people out there love the look of freckles, strive to have pale skin, think that a gap between your teeth is adorable and wish they were my height. The things I see as flaws, someone else loves them.
If you are worried that the shape of your body or any other insecurity you may have will stop you from having someone fall in love with you, I am here to tell you not to worry. Why would you want to be with someone who may look at you differently if you have stretch marks or acne? Or someone who won’t date you because you have a ‘boyish’ figure. That’s not the kind of love you deserve. You deserve someone who will love you for the qualities that make up your personality. Someone who will love you even if you don’t wear a size 3, have peach fuzz on your face, breakout every now and again and has freckles all over your arms. Honestly, that person most likely won’t come along while you’re in high school, or even college. But that person will come along, I promise you. For now, don’t skip lunch for the guy in your homeroom who won’t even give you the time of day. Don’t wear a long sleeve shirt even when it’s 80 degrees out to hide your stretch marks from the girl you’re in love with that has a boyfriend. Stop putting your body and mind at risk for the sake of recognition from other people.
So be proud of the skin you’re in and come to terms that your God, the universe, whoever you believe in gave you your body, so work with that you have. You may really like the color of your eyes so focus on that next time you’re worried about how your curly hair isn’t straight. Think about your on-point eyebrows next time you’re thinking about your big feet. Don’t be so harsh on yourself, you’re only human. We are all humans and we are all beautiful. 🙂