Rachel’s Recommendations

3 Recommended Shows/Movies to Watch

Daddy’s Home is set to be released as a DVD later in March!  It may be inappropriate for some audiences but it is so funny.  Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg are hilarious!  If you don’t like Will Ferrell in other movies, you will like him in this one – he is great!

The show Law and Order: SVU–I like the 3 main cops.  I love the mystery and suspense of it, the twists and the turns.  It is so exciting when they find new evidence and go to court.  It is fun to see them interrogate people.

Even though the show Full House is from the 1980’s and 90’s, it is very funny!  The three Tanner sisters are D.J., Stephanie and Michelle and they are so hilarious…Michelle with her “you got it dude” and Stephanie with “you didn’t ask me” and “how rude.”  Every show is different and funny.  My sister and I have all 192 episodes and watch it almost every day