Who Got Lucilled?
Who got Lucilled? That’s the question many of The Walking Dead fans are asking as the trailer for season seven has surfaced. In the season six finale, Negan and The Saviors surrounded the Alexandrians while they were trying to find a doctor for the sick and pregnant Maggie Greene. Negan played a sick and twisted game of eenie meenie miney mo with the Alexandrian gang. He pointed his barb wire covered bat, that he affectionately calls Lucille, at their faces. Negan then beat to death the person of his choosing to show that he was in charge, not Rick Grimes, the leader of Alexandria. But fans were left on a cliffhanger, not showing who Negan killed. This leaves room for many speculations on who got Lucilled.
The Walking Dead is based on a comic book series by the same name. However, the writers of the show have altered how many events that occur in the comic. Late in season six, Denise Cloyd, who had lived in Alexandria since the apocalypse started, was starting to become a character that fans loved. She was the only remaining doctor in the town and stepped up in giving people health care. On the way back from a supply run for medicine, Denise was shot through the eye with an arrow and killed. In the comics, this happened to Abraham Ford. He used to be in the military before the apocalypse started, and his whole family was wiped out by zombies. Comic book readers think that since he was supposed to die earlier, his time will end now instead. Abraham really has no important role in the group since there are many good shooters, so he is a character most won’t miss.
Many fans think that the victim of Negan is Glenn Rhee. He is a beloved character that has been around since season one of the show. Glenn is about to become a father and is the husband of Maggie Greene. Glenn has seemed to have nine lives over the years, nearly escaping death countless times. For instance, Glenn fell into a hoard of zombies and lived by sliding under a dumpster. This is pretty far-fetched, but the show is about a zombie apocalypse so many things seem unrealistic. The majority of fans think that Glenn’s many lives are up. In the comics Glenn is supposed to get Lucilled, so maybe the show will go with the comic this time.
The final fan speculation is that Daryl Dixon will be the fatality of Negan’s wrath. Daryl is a favorite of many on the show and is a very key member of the group. He is a skilled crossbow shooter. This weapon makes little noise so that zombies won’t be drawn to the sound of gunshots. Daryl is a tough guy on the outside with his biker vest and motorcycle, but he really cares about the people of Alexandria. He has had some beef with certain members of the Saviors, so he has already been shot and is badly injured as it is. The last time a major character has been killed is Beth Greene in season five. Daryl is a main character, and many think that if he passe,s it will be a very big deal. Over the years there has been apparel made with, “If Daryl Dies We Riot.” written on the back. He is someone the fans have really grown to love.
My own thoughts on the casualty are that it will be Michonne. She used to be the hooded warrior that dragged zombies around with her for protection. Michonne used her katana to take down whatever she needed to. She was the best and most skilled fighter in the entire group. Then, she recently started to date Rick Grimes, the leader of the group and main character of the show. She let her guard down and has become soft and nice, rather than rough and tumble. She isn’t the warrior she used to be. I think that maybe this is her time to exit the show, through being Negan’s victim. The actress playing Michonne is also being filmed in a new movie called Black Panther. I think that she wouldn’t have time to do both this movie and film for The Walking Dead. So in my eyes, being a long time fan of the show, Michonne will be the victim.
The trailer gave no insight into who got Lucilled, which is disappointing, because I am really yearning to know who the victim is. It did however show many new towns and leaders coming into play. This includes The Kingdom, which Carol and Morgan are being brought to for help, because Carol is badly shot up. She left Alexandria right before the run-in with Negan, because she doesn’t want to have to kill anymore. Morgan followed her and was told to bring her back. Carol however, had a run-in with more of The Saviors and had to kill four of them. One got away and shot Carol in the legs many times, until Morgan killed him. The leader of The Kingdom is named Ezekiel and he has a large pet tiger named Shiva.
There are many new groups that will appear in season seven and many more exciting situations to come. Even after the trailer The Walking Dead fans are still wondering who got Lucilled by Negan. I guess we’ll have to wait until the season seven premiere on October 23rd at 9 p.m. to find out.
For a look at the season seven trailer click the link below:

Alex Malanoski is a Senior and loves to sing as well as draw in his free time. He also participates in GTV, and of course EMC. Alex is the treasurer of...
Doreen Riccio • Oct 19, 2016 at 3:56 pm
I think Abraham is the one who got the bat! I guess we’ll see this Sunday!!!