PTSA grant awarded to EMC
PTSA Vice President Nadine DesPres presented a check for $650 to the Editors of the Eagles Media Center, Casey Dunleavy and Kaylee Bagdan. The funds will help the group pay for their trip to the Columbia Scholastic Press Association Conference in March. 20 students representing EMC, GTV and the E-Way store will travel to New York City for three days to attend the prestigious journalism conference at Columbia University. The PTSA Board of Directors commented in an email that the conference is a “wonderful opportunity for our students and we are excited for you. Please accept our donation and sincere thanks in sharing in this opportunity to better serve our students’ education.”
Senior Editor, Casey Dunleavy was excited about the award. “We are very grateful and appreciative of the PTSA for the grant we received, we look forward to our Journalism Convention where we can learn more, get inspired and bring back new ideas for our site.”
Brita Donovan • Jan 26, 2017 at 7:13 pm
Thank you PTSA for supporting our students as they prepare for this amazing and educational trip!