Grade 10 Top Tens: Favorite Foods

Grade 10 Top Tens: Favorite Foods
  1. Pizza – It is always my go-to food to eat. Whenever there isn’t anything good to eat at home, we order pizza.
  2. Chinese food-I love all Chinese food. Also Chinese food isn’t just one option–there are multiple items you can choose to eat.
  3. Mac and Cheese – I normally eat this like 1-2 a month.
  4. Hamburgers – I normally only eat them in the summer. In the summer I tend to eat this once a week.
  5. Pancakes -I could eat pancakes for breakfast everyday.
  6. Apples – They are a healthy snack that I like to eat a lot.
  7. French fries – I don’t eat them as much so they are lower on my list but they are still one of my favorite things to eat with meals.
  8. Quesadilla – When I go out to restaurants, this is normally what I choose to eat. Since I don’t eat them as often. I ranked quesadillas lower.
  9. Sandwich – Even though I eat this for lunch everyday at school, it’s not my top favorite. However, they still are really good.
  10. Tacos – I don’t eat them a lot compared to the rest of the foods, but it’s still one of my favorite things to eat.