Galway wins Third Place at the Saratoga County Fair
Public and private Saratoga County school students submitted artwork into the Saratoga County Fair student art competition.
In addition to placing third overall, several Galway students received honorable mentions for their work. High school students Lily Gullett, Mackenzie Morse, and Benjamin Lafreniere each received an award. Also, at the elementary level, Mrs. Remscheid’s and Mrs. Wasserman’s fifth graders won the group honorable mention prize.
The Galway Art Department credited the students and offered thanks, “Congratulations to all of the students who both participated in the show and won an award. Your hard work, creativity and confidence to exhibit your work is noticed and appreciated by all” stated high school art teacher Mrs. Mierzwa-Latza. The art department would also like to thank Mrs. Neahr and Mrs. Moffat for the wonderful work that they did setting up the exhibition.