Students study World War I
Following an inspiring teacher program at Bard College, Mrs. DeLuca and Mrs. Ostrander brought what they learned to their classrooms.The Honors Global Studies students, and English 10 Honors students participated in a workshop designed to enrich their study of World War I, the Battle of the Somme and All Quiet on the Western Front. Students examined panels and eventually the entire graphic book about the Battle of the Somme, The Great War. The 24 foot long panorama format of the book illustrates the first day of the battle. Students discussed the novel and the history they have learned in class with the backdrop of the incredible illustrations. Sophomore Ruth Reichard said “I liked how detailed the illustrations to get an idea of the battle and what it would have looked like. It was difficult to see the pictures and realize all that the soldiers went through.” Holden Decker added “I thought the book was really cool. I learned a lot about the war…the visuals (in the book) helped me understand more about the dangers of the war.” Rachel Wnuk said, “It was a fun activity, to visualize the war instead of just reading it off a paper.”