Galway Greats are Headed to States!
On Tuesday May 3rd the Galway Science Club and members of the FFA travelled to the Saratoga Spa State Park to compete in the 2018 Envirothon competition. Two Galway teams competed, The Neon Wrappers and The Galway Greats. The teams completed quizzes on soil structure, forestry, wildlife, aquatics, and a current environmental issue. In addition, the teams needed to prepare a presentation solving a real life environmental conservation issue. This year the oral presentation surrounded the distribution of Idaho’s rangeland. Teams needed to evaluate all of the factors that tied into Idaho’s rangeland distribution. This included the needs of the farmers on this land, the wants of hunters and hikers, and managing the wildlife there.
Heading to the competition the Galway Greats knew exactly what to expect. The team consisted of seniors Grace Montague and April Carlson and juniors Hannah Thompson, Natalie Zembsch, and Siela Zembsch. All five girls had participated in Envirothon in past years and approached the competition with excitement and enthusiasm. This enthusiasm paid off when the results of the competition were announced. The Galway Greats got the highest score in the current issue category and therefore won a wooden duck figurine as a trophy. This was the first duck Galway had won in five years. On top of this the team placed second overall in the competition. Unbelievably proud of their accomplishments, the team headed back to the school to celebrate. Each member signed the duck and left it, along with their oral presentation posters, in Mr. Levin’s room.
The team thought this was the end of Envirothon for the year. That is until a week later when Mr. Levin called the girls into his room for an emergency meeting. Here the team learned that the team that came in first could no longer attend the statewide competition and the Galway Greats were next in line to compete. In a mad scramble, the girls were able to compile all of the necessary paperwork and are now set to head to states. This is a great accomplishment for the Galway Science Club. Not only is it impressive for the team to be heading to states, but it is also the first time in recent years that a Galway team has gone to states. When asked how she felt about going to states Grace Montague said, “I think the best part about going to states is that it’s been awhile since Galway has gone before…it’s a new chapter for our club and I hope we can continue going to States in the upcoming years.
The Galway Greats will travel to the statewide competition at Hobart William Smith College on May 23rd and 24th. If you see a member be sure to wish them luck in this exciting endeavor.

Hannah Thompson is a 12th grader here at Galway. She's been a member of EMC for three years, and she's a member of a lot of clubs, like the Impressions...
Brita Donovan • May 23, 2018 at 12:07 pm
Congratulations! So exciting for our school! You are truly the Galway Greats!