New Things to Say About the E-Way Café
Throughout the 2020-2021 school year the E-Way Café was unfortunately closed. Luckily, on April 12th, 2021 the Café opened back up for business! Brian Alden, Anthony Powers, Mrs. Sitts, and the Business/Career & Financial classes have been working to organize the café sales and set-up. The students and Mrs. Sitts have put in safe plans to make sure that they can stay open and that you can have safe and delicious food and drinks! Some precautions include gloves during making & distributing the products, and washing hands for every new customer. Note: You do not still have to prepay, but you can.
The process of making and distributing food and drinks is a lot different from last year. They haven’t had to make as many products because there haven’t been a lot of students in the building. The popcorn is also different because they have to tape the bags shut, which is a little less popcorn. The amount of products that they sell really depends on the amount of business that they have. Business has been steady, but not as busy as pre-covid.
They haven’t really had too many problems so far. The first week of the Café being open went well and so far so good. At the beginning of the opening, they didn’t get a lot of orders on Thursdays, but hopefully Eagle Nation continues to order their favorite products at the Café!
They are currently offering half/half iced tea and popcorn! The Café will start offering expressos- next week, mochas-next week, granola bars, trail mix, and iced coffee! Remember, if you order and bring popcorn to class, please keep it neat!
Looking for a place to order next week? They now have a dropbox. It is located by the register in the store. The E-Way Café Team is hoping that the dropbox will be a solution to increasing business. If you need change, please see Mrs. Sitts. Or, you place an order at the store. You can pick it up there too.
In the future, they would like to turn the Café into an eating/drinking area. They bought bean bags and stools and would like to build a counter to sit at. The Café Team would like to hear feedback from their customers and are willing to take the risk to offer new products!
Go forth Eagle Nation and order your delicious treats!

Addelayde is 16 years old, and in 11th grade. She partakes in many clubs here at Galway, including Impressions, FFA, Girl Scouts, EMC, SADD, and more....