A spotlight on Multi-Sport 7th grader: Kiera Allen

A spotlight on Multi-Sport 7th grader: Kiera Allen


Have you looked at the pictures from the varsity volleyball sectional games, a jv volleyball team picture, or heard about the roster for the jv girls basketball team? If so you’ve probably seen or heard of Kiera Allen.  Kiera plays on 3 basketball teams, 1 softball team and she plays on 2 volleyball teams. Kiera has been playing softball and basketball for 5 years and volleyball for 3. She also does horseback riding and she goes skiing. Kiera said, “ It’s hard to do everything at once especially with advanced classes. In the fall, I had 2 practices a night so it wasn’t easy to make time for homework.”

Kiera rarely has free time but when she does she watches tv, calls her friends and does homework.  She also spends time with her 7 pets. Loki, Meeka, Tayla and Jojo are her 4 cats. Mushroom and Pineapple are her gerbils, and she has a rabbit named Hazel.