I looked at the end

And there it was.
I looked at the last day I will step foot in this building.
The culmination of senioritis and still having so much to do-
But I will never get it done if I don’t do it now.
This is it.
This is the final stretch.
And it’s staring me in the face.
I thought that I’d love today,
The day when I can finally visualize myself walking out for the final dismissal bell.
But I don’t.
I almost wish it never came.
I wish I could go back-
To when the days and weeks felt longer.
But now I’m just begging for them to slow down.
I had been in denial for a while.
Just not talking about the end that was drawing nearer.
But now I can’t deny anymore,
Because the day is drawing closer.
I looked at the end today.
And it welcomed me with open arms.
But I cried at the very mention of its name.

Molly is a senior and this is her 2nd year on EMC. She is involved in a number of other clubs, including Class President, Student Senate Secretary/Treasurer,...