Teacher Spotlight: Mr. Kirvin

Mr. Kirvin and his dog Kiki
Everybody knows him and everybody loves him–Kirvin! But there is a lot more to him than his wondrous singing voice, like did you know he started working at Galway in 2002? He went to college at Hogwarts apparently (or was it Hobart?)and majored in political science. He played basketball in both high school and college. His favorite song is “Dancing queen” and has a crippling addiction to the candy Dots. He is an Aries who likes the color orange. His favorite foods are coffee and pizza but not together. His favorite time of day is when the 8th period bell rings at 2:22. He doesn’t like animals but manages to have 3 cats and a Corgi. He also thinks that flannel is overrated. He loves the Pretty Woman movie and Julia Roberts is his favorite actress . His favorite brand is Nike. He is 6 foot 2 so he can reach the top shelf. His favorite person at work is Mr. Linck. He also got a haircut recently! So next time you see him, compliment his new and improved hair cut.

Kristina B. is 13 years old. She is in accelerated math, emc and student senate. Kristina does travel basketball,softball and volleyball. She plays volleyball,...