By Jacob Thompson, Grade 7
A mess of binders. Many papers. A multitude of cans. It looks as if someone shoved everything in and ran. I don’t know how Chad Sherman finds anything. Each item has significance in his life, even though he might not know it.
In this mess you will find a book. This book might be Percy Jackson. He states that this favorite of his is “well written.” There is a cracked rush CD at the bottom; Rush is a favorite and Neil Pert is his role model. A science binder is easily spotted among the heap and it represents his favorite subject.
You will also find a pencil imprinted with the name Fish Creek. He likes to fish and in April went with his parents and Matt Phillips to Fish Creek He also rode his bike fifty-five miles and bought ice ream from a truck. The excursion was a great way get away from the hustle and bustle of daily life.
Finally, you will find a pencil sharpener. The blade of the sharpener represents a knife. Chad loves to whittle. He has carved many spears, fishing spears, arrows, and a dolphin. Right now he is working on a bear.