So for the unaware people, two weeks ago Disney bought Lucasfilm for a whopping 4.05 BILLION dollars. Not only that, they announced Star Wars Episode 7 is slated for a 2015 release and last week announced Michael Arndt, best known for Toy Story 3, is writing the screenplay.
On May 3rd 2012, I went to the midnight release of The Avengers which was made by Disney after they bought Marvel in 2009. That film proves that Disney is capable of making a good movie. However, they have made countless less-than-good animated movies so it makes sense fans are questioning this transaction.
Some positives of this exchange…
George Lucas will not be writing or directing- George Lucas ruined the Star Wars prequels. He focused too much on effects and not on making a good movie.
Nothing is really holding this thing back- Disney has a boatload of money to just SPEND. They can hire the best actors, director, and cinematographers.
Disney has three great examples of how not to make a Star Wars movie. All Disney really has to do is compare their movie to the Star Wars prequels and not make that and they should be fine.
So those are three good reasons to be excited.
There are a few things Disney shouldn’t do.
Don’t use 3D- I know what you’re saying. Lucasfilm is already re-releasing the Star Wars movies in 3D. So? Why the heck are they doing that? Why does that need to be done? Can’t you just re-release it in its regular version? I mean there’s dozens of them out there today and Disney is one of the worst offenders. The Lion King? How does that work in 3D? NOT EVERYTHING HAS TO BE 3D! THIS ISN’T AVATAR! It’s too annoying and is just a waste of money.
Don’t use too many effects–that ruined the prequels.
No annoying comic relief characters–Nobody wants another Jar-Jar.
There shouldn’t be any sort of politics- Half of The Phantom Menace was boring political stuff. It felt like an episode of Star Trek.
Most importantly, get better acting than the prequels. The acting in the prequels is bland. Liam Neeson didn’t do anything interesting or make his performance believable. Natalie Portman had a dull monotone, not unlike that of Ferris Bueller’s teacher. The boy who played Anakin was just awful. We need better acting.