When I was younger all I wanted to do was drive and fix cars. This was from the amount of time I spent sitting on the couch with my dad and grandfather watching many different car shows. Also another thing that used to make me want to do that was the stories my dad would tell me about his first job where he was a mechanic at a small garage shop. Both of them would always tell me stories about their old cars that they owned and worked on. I used to love to hear these stories. I felt like I could listen to them all day.
All the stories and shows we watched together were the inspiration for my first vehicle I have now, which is a 1988 square body Blazer. This is a car similar to all the cars that they used to own. My dad used to own a square body truck and the motor in the Blazer factory is the same exact motor in the car my grandfather is building. I am currently building this car with my father in the garage to make the core memories with my father and to further grow my knowledge with cars.
One specific day I can remember, my grandfather and I were sitting in his living room and the TV was on a show called “Roadkill.” In this show they would go to the junkyard and find a broken classic car and then they would fix it and make it beautiful. While they fixed the car I would ask my grandfather different questions about the cars and he would explain them to me as I asked. My experiences with my dad were much different because when he would teach me about cars and stuff it was more hands on. I would always be the one helping him change his brakes and changing his oil in all of the vehicles. I remember helping my dad for as far back as I remember.
Since both of them taught me everything I know about driving and fixing cars, I thought I would get a car that is inspired by both of them. I feel that it’s the right thing to do to honor them by having a car that they could have had when they were younger and making it nice to show that they taught me well.