My twin brother, Sean, has always been my number one supporter. We have been through everything together and we always got along, for the most part. Since he was little, he always had the kindest heart and was willing to do anything for anyone around him. Just recently, I started realizing how much he has taught me and just how much I look up to him.
Sean has always been the more intelligent twin and naturally picked up things quicker than me. That being said, I also wasn’t the smartest kid. I often had trouble with simple tasks from an early age, but Sean was always there by my side in case I needed him. Most of the time, a parental figure or guardian will teach you how to ride a bike. Unfortunately for me, as much as my parents tried to teach me, I never picked it up with them. Luckily for me though, I had a brother who saw me struggling and had the heart to help. It was after school, sometime during the spring. It was the time of year where the air smelled so fresh and the sun was warm, but there was always a slight breeze to cool the temperature back down. I was in first grade, I just turned seven years old. My parents got me a purple bike for my birthday. It was one of the bikes that had training wheels attached, but you could also remove them whenever you wanted. There were even shiny tassels at the end of the handle bars. Sean and I were playing outside and we were riding our bikes, but mine still had training wheels. Sean wanted to help me learn without training wheels so first he watched me pedal around our drive way for a little bit to practice. Then my brother and I went to my dad. He helped us take off the training wheels. I was so scared to ride my bike without the training wheels attached, I had never ever done it before, not even without my parents. Sean held my bike steady as I mounted the bike because I still could not get onto my bike without falling. Since Sean was holding the bike, I already felt a lot better. He gave me the instructions to put both feet on the pedals while he kept the bike upright. I started to pedal very slowly and he had ahold of me the whole time. When he felt that I was comfortable, he let go of the back of my bike. I was so excited when I was riding a bike without my training wheels. The person that was even more excited for my success, was Sean, and he ran inside the house to tell my parents. I tried so hard to learn with my parents help, but I was too scared which held me back from being successful. The bond Sean and I had from an early age made me fully trust him, and allowed me to actually learn.
From this experience alone, I learned that, my success was never and will never be something that I have to face alone. I will always have my built-in supporter, as well as the person who will never watch me struggle if they can do something about it. The experience of learning how to ride a bike might be so simple in some people’s eyes, but my experience helped highlight someone in my life who I didn’t even realize impacted me so heavily.